Sprout Dentistry for Kids

Discarding the Pacifier: What Pediatric Dentists Are Saying

December 27, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryallen @ 3:42 am
toddler using a pacifier

Parenthood comes with a lot of decisions and advice – much of it unsolicited and unnecessary. While some will tell you to never give your baby a pacifier, others will express how helpful it can be to have a few on hand, especially when your little one becomes fussy. While pacifiers can prove beneficial during the infancy stage, there are also potential problems that can arise if they continue to be used once your child is a toddler or nearing school age. Read on to learn what pediatric dentists are saying and ways you can help your little one say goodbye to their binky once and for all.


How Can Regular Dental Visits Benefit Your Child

December 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryallen @ 1:18 am
Child at the dentist

As a parent, you want to see your child thrive in every aspect of their life. This includes ensuring that they are supported emotionally and physically. As part of keeping their oral health in check, it’s important to take them to the dentist twice a year for cleanings and checkups. This way, their dentist can keep an eye on their development and ensure that no oral health issues have arisen. Continue reading to learn more about regular dental visits and how they benefit your child.


Secure Smiles: Are Teething Rings Safe?

November 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryallen @ 8:58 pm
Baby in onesie with stars chewing on wooden teething ring

Raising a baby comes with many unique challenges, and their dental development is no exception. For instance, if your infant is a few months old, has been fussier than usual, and seems to want to put everything in their mouth, then they may already be teething. Then, typically around 1 year old, you can expect to see their first tooth erupt from their little gums.

Unfortunately, this process can cause aches and inflammation that your little one isn’t equipped to handle. Many parents and guardians eager for a reprieve from the screeching have turned to teething rings to assuage their little one’s throbbing gums. But it’s normal to wonder whether they’re truly safe for your child to chew on. Continue reading to learn 3 helpful hints to finding a teething ring that won’t put their health at risk.


Stocking Stuffers that Aren’t Sugary Snacks – And are Still Fun for Kids!

November 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryallen @ 8:26 pm
Kid smiling widely as he digs into his stocking

Halloween was only one month ago, which means your kid is probably still chipping away at their Trick-or-Treat earnings. You don’t want to add to their already dragon-like hoard of sugary snacks, but what else are you going to stuff in their Christmas stockings if not seasonal candy?

Fortunately for concerned caretakers everywhere, there are treats both tasty and non-edible that are safer for your kiddo’s smile! Keep reading for some dentist-approved stocking stuffers that won’t give them cavities.


Use Your Child’s Dental Insurance: A Basic Guide to Maximizing Their Coverage

October 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryallen @ 11:41 pm
Mother and child interacting with dental team member

Do you have a family dental insurance plan? You and your spouse may frequently use it to care for your own oral health, but you should also take steps to get the greatest value out of the coverage that is available to your child. How can you do that? This blog post explains what your child’s benefits may cover and how you can use them to keep your little one’s Smile healthy and happy.


The Teal Pumpkin Project: Creating an Inclusive Halloween for All

October 25, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryallen @ 6:16 pm
A teal pumpkin pail on the ground

Trick-or-treating is the ultimate activity on Halloween night, but for kids with dental health issues and food allergies, it can be very stressful. That’s where the Teal Pumpkin Project comes in. It’s a movement designed to make Halloween safer and more inclusive for everyone! If you’re considering joining in with your family this year, continue reading. You’ll find some great reasons to spread the movement!


Ditching Decay: Which Halloween Candies Are the Best and Worst for Your Child?

September 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryallen @ 3:07 am
Halloween candy and buckets

The moment your child arrives home with a bucket full of candy, they’re likely to dump it out and begin scouring for the best pieces. Whether their sweet tooth is satisfied with chocolate or sour gummy treats, it’s important to remember that moderation is key. Also, if you want to make sure they don’t develop tooth decay this Halloween, keep reading to find out which candies are good and bad for their growing smile.


Why Your Child Should Wear a Mouthguard When Playing Sports

August 27, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryallen @ 1:39 am
kids playing soccer in field

Maintaining your child’s oral health involves teaching them the essentials of brushing, flossing, and eating a balanced diet. However, despite these efforts, accidents can still occur. Whether they’re involved in contact sports or having fun on the playground, there’s always a risk of dental injuries. To safeguard their teeth and oral structures from potential trauma, read on to understand the crucial role of dental mouthguards.


4 Back-to-School Dental Exam Tips for Kids

August 23, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryallen @ 11:09 pm

Are you currently getting your child ready for the new school year? As the back-to-school season draws near, you’re likely preparing your little one with new clothes and school supplies to start the year off right. While this is important, it’s also crucial to prioritize your little one’s dental health by scheduling a checkup. To ensure your child has a healthy smile and a positive dental experience, here are four helpful tips to prepare them for their upcoming appointment.


Which Vitamins and Minerals Are Recommended for Healthy Teeth and Gums?

July 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryallen @ 10:01 pm
young boy at the dentist’s office

You want your child’s teeth and gums to remain healthy year after year, and you know how essential it is for them to brush and floss regularly. But what else can you do to help their smile last a lifetime? Discover why you should incorporate certain vitamins and minerals into your child’s diet and what kind of impact they can have on their oral and overall health.

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